01/01/03 : This page isn't maintained anymore. Many Thanks to those who have helped us
06/01/05 : As I still receive some upgrades of the FAQ module, I decide to put the contributions on this page.
To install it, you just have to decompress the tar-archive in the phprojekt root directory, that's all !
~$ tar xvzf phprojekt-faq-addon.tar.gz
Download the FAQ addon for PHProjekt v3.3 (5,2 Ko)
Download the FAQ addon for PHProjekt v4.2 (5,2 Ko)
Chief and AdministratorBy default, it's impossible to be an administrator and to have chief rights in the same time. But it's quite easy to create a new category of users with very few changes in the files. If you want to do so :
$acc = array( "u" => "$admin_text93a", "c" => "$admin_text93b", "a" => "$admin_text93c" );You replace it by
$acc = array( "u" => "$admin_text93a", "c" => "$admin_text93b", "ac" => "$chiefadmin", "a" => "$admin_text93c" );
$chiefadmin = "Administrator with Chief rights";
Our test users wanted to know who's connected and who's not without having to check the chat page. It appears that modifying the calendar page to get the list of connected people at stalt isn't very hard.
echo "<frame name='r' src='calendar/r.php?PHPSESSID=$PHPSESSID&year=$year&month=$month&day=$day' marginwidth=2 marginheight=2>\n";Replace it by those following lines :
echo "<frameset rows='*,200' border=1 frameborder=0 framespacing=1>\n"; echo "<frame name='r' src='calendar/r.php?PHPSESSID=$PHPSESSID&year=$year&month=$month&day=$day' marginwidth=2 marginheight=2>\n"; echo "<frame name='br' src='calendar/alive.php?PHPSESSID=$PHPSESSID' marginwidth=2 marginheight=2>\n"; echo "</frameset>\n";
$connected = "Connected :";in your own language of course ;)
This patch create a little space in the right panel of the calendar view with the names of connected users (of the same group).
Beep and highlighting are both very usefull fonctions on IRC. The modification of the chat() function in chat.php file is possible to get those functions.
Download the replacement of the chat.php file and uncompress it :
~$ tar xvzf chat.tar.gzin the root directory of phprojekt. A beep.wav file is include in the tarball. You can replace it by every sound you like :).