Subject: How Gabenewell got me kicked out of college. :/ Email: ********** Comment: The following is the story of how I got kicked out of college because of a few famous shock sites and one nasty e-mail to an architecture firm in the Netherlands. So, I was doing some research for a project I was assigned to do. The project was to look up some modern house bullshit and draw out the floorplans and all that other crap. Long story short, I emailed the architecture firm responsible for this house and in an impressive display of vulgarity, disrespect, and downright nastiness I single handedly ruined the reputation and credibility of my university. The story doesn't end just there. In the e-mail I attached a nice big picture of and in the bottom of the e-mail I had links to and maybe even a few more I forgot about. When the e-mail was eventually forwarded to my university, just about EVERYONE in the administration read it, and by reading it also got a healthful glimpse of goatse. The fun doesn't end there either. Not only did everyone in the administration see this, but my dear old parents saw goatse too (and all of the attached links). In less than a week I found myself banned from campus for 1 year with a recommendation of a full mental evaluation. If I had the opportunity to do this again I wouldn't hesitate.